- 游戏描述 -
- 价格历史 -
- 评分历史 -
本游戏除具备电玩游戏史上最富深度的剧情……以主角是一片吐司的游戏而言……更提供丰富的烘焙选项让你大快朵颐,难以自拔。额外游戏模式和其他种类的面包将满足各种喜好!扮演贝果,在竞速关卡创下新纪录;在cheese hunt(猎杀干酪)模式中实现身为薄脆面包的宿命;扮演法式长棍面包,在rampage(大开杀戒)模式中砸烂一切,释放压力。喔,我们刚有提到面包也会上太空吗?
Licensed and published in Japan by Intergrow Inc. and developed by Bossa Studios Ltd.
Intergrow and its respective logos are trademarks of Intergrow Inc.
I Am Bread, Bossa Studios and its respective logos and marks are trademarks of Bossa Studios Ltd.
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. © 2017
- 价格历史 -
时间 | 价格 |
2024/02/20 | 104HKD |
时间 | 评分 |
2024/02/21 | 3.90 |
2024/03/03 | 3.89 |
2024/05/31 | 3.88 |
2024/07/03 | 3.87 |
2024/09/23 | 3.85 |
2024/11/04 | 3.84 |