这是一款黑暗而暴力的犯罪惊悚游戏,以 20 世纪 40 年代的洛杉矶为背景。
利用革命性的面部动画技术,以惊人的细致度捕捉角色每一个轻微的面部表情,L.A. Noire 将追逐及枪战等惊险刺激的动作场面和真实的侦探工作融合在一起,带来了前所未有的互动体验。本游戏取材于真实罪案的残暴罪行、诡计和阴谋: 1947 年的洛杉矶正处于其历史上最腐败最暴力的时期,各种罪案频发。
• 在 PS4™上支持 1080p 画质,在 PS4™Pro 上支持惊艳的 4K 画质。
• 包含完整的原版游戏和所有额外的可下载内容,以及新的收藏品和可供解锁的侦探服饰,每一套都具有独特的特殊能力。
• 采用一系列技术和图像增强,呈现更加逼真的洛杉矶。
Rockstar Games, Inc. ©2006 – 17. Rockstar Games、L.A. Noire 和 R* 是 Take-Two Interactive 的标志/徽标/版权。部分内容属于 (c) Copyright Master Licensing, Inc.,保留一切权利。
Software license in game & rockstargames.com/eula; online terms at rockstargames.com/socialclub. Non-transferable access to special features such as exclusive/unlockable/downloadable/online content/services/functions may require single-use serial code, additional fee, and/or online account registration (varies 13+). Access to special features may require internet connection, may not be available to all users, and may, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, modified, or offered under different terms. Violation of EULA, Code of Conduct or other policies may result in restriction or termination of access to game or online account. Support at rockstargames.com/support This fictional 1940s Los Angeles story depicts invented & fictional historical characters & events that are not historically accurate/factual. Brand names are marks of their unaffiliated owners. No unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, paid play, or cicumvention of copy protection.
- 价格历史 -
时间 | 价格 |
2025/01/19 | 318HKD |
2025/01/28 | 159HKD |
2025/02/12 | 318HKD |
2025/02/27 | 159HKD |
2025/03/03 | 318HKD |
2025/03/25 | 159HKD |
时间 | 评分 |
2025/01/19 | 4.68 |