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The Eerie Surroundings

The Eerie Surroundings

Surprised Hotdog Limited PS5 2024/12/17
3.00 Full Game Horror

3.29 GBP

- Description -

You are trying to find the exit but you are stuck in a loop. To find the exit, observe your surroundings and get familiar with it. On floor 0 you will be presented with an area to study the layout of objects. The timer will start once you are ready to play. The correct decision will move you up a floor and the incorrect decision will reset you back to the beginning. Observation is key.

If you don't find anomalies, choose the elevator that states no anomalies otherwise choose the elevator that states confirm anomalies.

The Eerie Surroundings as it states is set in a eerie theme and is a short game. Currently there are 3 levels. 2 levels are locked but can be unlocked providing you beat the timer challenge.

- Price History -

Time Price
2025/01/20 3.29GBP
2025/02/05 2.63GBP
2025/02/20 3.29GBP

- Rate History -

Time Rate
2025/01/20 3.21
2025/01/22 3.07
2025/01/23 3.00
2025/01/31 3.12
2025/02/14 3.00


